1 minute read

Section3: Node Dockerfile Best Practice

Dockerfile Best Practice Basics


npm/yarn install during build

RUN npm install && npm cache clean —force : image is small as possible

CMD node, not npm

WORKDIR not RUN mkdir unless you need chown

FROM Base Image Guidelines

Stick to even numbered major releases

Don’t use :latest tag

Start with Debian if migrating

Move to Alpine later

Don’t use :slim

Don’t use :onbuild

When to use Alpine, Debian, or CentOS Images

Alpine is “small” and “sec focused”

But Debian/Ubuntu(85MB) are smaller now too

~100MB space savings isn’t significant

Alpine has its own issues

Alpine CVE scanning fails

Enterprises may require CentOS or Ubuntu/Debian

Assignment Making a CentOS Node Image

Running Non-root Container Users

FROM node:10-slim



COPY package*.json ./

# here
RUN mkdir app && chown -R node:node .

USER node

RUN npm install && npm cache clean --force

WORKDIR /node/app

# here
COPY --chown node:node . .

CMD ["node", "app.js"]

docker-compose exec -u root

Making Images Efficiently

Pick proper FROM

Line order matters

COPY twice : package.json* then . .

  1. copy only the package and lock files
  2. run npm install
  3. copy everything else

apt-get update thing → top